Welcome to the Chili Spiritwear Store!
Estimated delivery is approximately 3 to 4 weeks from the date your order is placed.
Please note while all items were in stock and available when the store was built this may change throughout the year. Should an item be unavailable when your order is processed you'll receive an email with the option of having the item(s) ship when available, picking a different color/size (when available), or canceling the item(s) and a refund issued. As we cannot process your order until we hear back from you, your prompt reply will avoid any delays in delivery.
** Please carefully review your order prior to clicking “submit” to make sure everything is 100% complete and accurate. Any item printed with a club logo, player number, and/or player name is customized and not eligible for exchange or return. All Sales are final. Once your order is in process, it cannot be edited or canceled.
Please select a category below to filter products.